I always forget this but, after the sheep are sheared, they go a little odd.

Yesterday evening, I found Lambie asking to go into my shed.

It was very still and the midges were out.

Of course, I let him in and proceeded to make a sheep while we watched another American medical drama.

Lambie had an initial mooch ….

And then settled beside me in a state of misery.  I stroked him and told him it would all be alright, once the wind started blowing again.  Once I had finished my sheep, I nipped to the big shed to get a new fly collar, and fitted two for good measure.

I also gave him a painkiller (because I managed to shut his leg in the door and he started to wave it about and then limp).  So I was now feeling awful, on Lambie’s behalf.

I went around each sheep with a big bowl of TurmerAid which they all ate very enthusiastically – it is good for itching and just calming a situation down.  Lambie perked up a bit after that.

I found Harrel in the shed and we had words about bullying.

“Tomorrow is another day” and this morning I was minus one sheep, Edna and everyone else was still in a funny mood.

But I got them to follow me to the big field and we went to find Edna.

I had a vivid imagination of all the awful things I would find (remember Puzzah?), but Edna soon appeared.  She’d probably had enough of the fighting.

Anyway, they are all together again, the wind is blowing (no midges now) and hopefully they will all settle down again.  I hate the histrionics.

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