Camilla was running errands when she saw something that broke her heart. Under a shop awning, trying to stay dry from the pouring rain, was a stray dog. The poor dog was shivering uncontrollably, and it was hard to tell if it was from the cold weather or fear. His fur was matted with dirt, and his eyes showed a life of hardship. Camilla called out softly to the trembling dog, her voice full of gentle concern. The dog flicked his ears in response but hesitated to move. Camilla had just moved to the city and didn’t have a permanent place yet, making it impossible to take the dog home.


Her temporary accommodation, a modest hotel room, couldn’t accommodate a dog. But she couldn’t leave the poor animal alone. With a heavy heart, she bought two hot dogs and sat with the dog for two hours, hoping a kind passerby would help. As time passed and her phone battery drained, her hopes faded. Before her phone died, she posted the dog’s story on social media, pleading for help.

Determined to help the dog, Camilla quickly secured an apartment. As soon as she moved in, she took a taxi back to the spot where she had seen the dog. To her relief, the dog was still there as if waiting for her. Camilla’s heart swelled with emotion; she felt destined to rescue this helpless soul. She offered the dog kibble and treats, which he devoured eagerly. She gave the dog water and examined his condition. His eyes were inflamed and oozing pus, and he had a severe case of mange. The sight was heartbreaking.


With the dog’s trust tentatively gained, Camilla decided to take him to the vet. She bought a carrier and coaxed the dog inside with treats. Gently reassuring the dog, she said, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to help you get better.” Miraculously, the dog didn’t resist and allowed Camilla to lift him into the carrier.

At the veterinary clinic, the vet’s news was sobering: the dog’s condition was severe and required hospitalization. However, due to his unvaccinated status, the clinic couldn’t keep him as an inpatient. Dejected but not defeated, Camilla searched for other options. A fellow social media user informed her about another clinic willing to help. Camilla contacted them, who warned that the unvaccinated dog posed a risk of spreading diseases. Despite the risk, Camilla agreed to proceed. She rushed the dog to the clinic, where it received a medicated bath. Inspired by the date of their encounter, she named the dog “Fourteen.”


After a series of tests, the vet diagnosed Fourteen with severe corneal ulcers, mange, parasites, and pancreatitis. Thankfully, the clinic could provide the urgent care he needed. The vet warned Camilla that the treatment would be lengthy and potentially costly. Despite his blindness, Fourteen walked steadily, never straying far from Camilla. When they encountered obstacles, he smartly detoured and resumed walking once he sensed her footsteps.

By the third day of hospitalization, Fourteen’s eyes began to show improvement. Camilla decided to administer the eye drops herself, knowing this would be part of Fourteen’s care after discharge. To her delight, Fourteen cooperated fully, even taking medication without fuss.

As Fourteen began to heal, his eyes sparkled with newfound joy. Ten days into his hospitalization, he saw a veterinary ophthalmologist for a follow-up. Fourteen’s spirit had transformed dramatically since Camilla first found him. He recognized his name, wagging his tail enthusiastically whenever called. Visits from Camilla filled him with excitement, and he adored his new toys.


Fourteen was eventually discharged, but his recovery required ongoing care. Camilla administered eye drops hourly, and though he couldn’t have treats yet, Fourteen was well-behaved and patient. Camilla marveled at his bright, large eyes as he played in the yard, a stark contrast to his initial condition.

Camilla had taken Fourteen to three different veterinary clinics for his eye exams. The consensus was that his eyes could heal with continued treatment, though surgery might be needed if his condition worsened. For now, conservative treatment was the best option. Fourteen’s overall health was improving rapidly.

On the 34th day since she rescued him, Camilla reflected on their journey together. Fourteen’s eyes continued to heal, and watching him play with his toys filled her with warmth. As Fourteen clung to her side, Camilla reminisced about the day she found him. She had initially thought he was older due to his wrinkled skin, but the vet revealed he was under a year old. Camilla surmised that Fourteen had been on the streets since being separated from his mother. Now, two months later, he was fully recovered. Camilla took him on bike rides, socialized him with other dogs, and watched him happily play with his new friend.

Camilla felt immense gratitude for being able to give Fourteen a second chance at life. She hoped their bond would continue to grow and that every stray dog would find its forever home just like Fourteen did.

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