Edna has a routine which I try hard to stick to.  Her feet are not the best – she is prone to limping so I like to treat them daily with an antibiotic (turquoise) spray.

I do this after her breakfast.  Everyone else, who wants to go, is let outside but ‘Ster always stays behind to keep Edna company. I would like to think this is out of love for Edna but realistically, I think he realises she gets treats and he wouldn’t say no to one either.

So, I open up the small adjoining stable door and Edna casually wanders in.

Door shut (note ‘Ster waiting behind it) and Edna, by herself with no encouragement from me, automatically goes and stands quietly by the entrance and waits.

She is currently wearing a loose dog collar and I clip this to the already-tied rope.

Next, I pick up each front foot (rather like a farrier doing a horse’s hooves), check them, clean them if required and spray them.  It is not a fight or much effort from either of us.

Edna is then unclipped from the rope but her collar stays on, told she is a good girl and allowed a free go at the treat box by herself with no interruptions – which is currently holding Tesco own-brand Cheerios!  Ster also gets his shot at it too when we come out for waiting patiently and being supportive.

I love this method of working with Edna because no one is stressed, no chasing, no grabbing or rugby tackles and, best of all, no tipping which breaks my back and makes us all miserable in the attempt.  We do this every day in our calm, peaceful way.

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