The Havanese, with its cheerful demeanor and silky coat, is a small breed dog known for being a perfect family companion. Originating from Cuba, these dogs have captured the hearts of many with their friendly nature and adaptable temperament. However, before welcoming a Havanese into your home, it’s essential to understand the monthly financial commitments. This article will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the costs associated with owning a Havanese in 2023.

1. Food

Havanese are small dogs with specific dietary needs to ensure their health, vitality, and coat quality.

High-Quality Dry Food – Given their size, a Havanese doesn’t consume vast amounts of food. A premium quality bag tailored for small breeds can cost between $25 and $50 for a month’s supply.

Wet Food (Optional) – Some owners complement dry food with wet food or use it as an occasional treat. This can add another $15 to $30 to your monthly budget.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Food: $25-$80

2. Treats

Just like any dog, Havaneses enjoy treats, both for training purposes and the occasional indulgence.

Training Treats – For obedience and trick training, small treats are beneficial. Expect to spend $5 to $10 monthly.

Dental Chews – Maintaining dental health is vital, and dental chews help in reducing tartar. Monthly, these can cost around $10 to $15.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Treats: $15-$25

3. Veterinarian

Ensuring your Havanese’s health is a top priority, requiring regular and sometimes unforeseen veterinary visits.

Routine Check-ups – An average monthly breakdown of an annual vet check-up will be about $10-$15.

Vaccinations – Yearly vaccines, when averaged monthly, might add around $10.

Unexpected Health Concerns – Though generally healthy, Havaneses can occasionally face issues like hip dysplasia or cataracts. A monthly buffer of $20 is advisable.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Veterinarian: $40-$45

4. Toys

Havanese are playful and benefit from a variety of toys to keep them stimulated.

Chew Toys – These toys are essential for their dental health and to satisfy their chewing instinct, costing about $10 monthly.

Interactive Toys – Toys that engage their minds, like puzzle toys, will range from $10 to $20.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Toys: $20-$30

5. Accessories

From collars to bedding, several accessories enhance the comfort and well-being of your Havanese.

Collar and Leash – A durable leash and collar, spread over a year, will average around $2-$3 monthly.

Bedding – Comfort is paramount. A quality bed, spread over its lifespan, might cost $3-$4 a month.

Grooming Supplies – Given their silky coats, brushes, shampoos, and conditioners are essential, costing around $5 monthly.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Accessories: $10-$12

6. Grooming

A Havanese coat is one of its defining features and requires consistent grooming.

Professional Grooming – Many owners opt for professional grooming sessions every 4-6 weeks. Depending on location and services, this might range from $40 to $80 per session, averaging around $20-$40 monthly.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Professional Grooming: $20-$40

7. Training

While Havanese are bright and eager to please, professional training can be beneficial, especially for first-time dog owners.

Training Classes – Group training classes, spanning several weeks, can average out to about $10-$20 monthly when distributed over a year.

Estimated Monthly Cost for Training: $10-$20


The Havanese, with its spirited and affectionate nature, promises to be a delightful addition to any home. Taking into account all the costs discussed, a Havanese owner in 2023 can expect a monthly expenditure between $130-$252. This estimation helps in preparing a budget, ensuring your Havanese receives the best care and lives a happy, fulfilled life.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Owning A Havanese

1. How much does a Havanese puppy typically cost?

The price of a Havanese puppy can vary significantly based on factors like lineage, breeder reputation, and location. Typically, prices range from $1,000 to $3,000, with show-quality dogs or those with rare colorations fetching higher prices. Research and choosing a reputable breeder can ensure a healthy pup and prevent potential future expenses.

2. Are Havanese considered a high-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming?

Yes, Havanese dogs have a long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to avoid matting and tangling. Brushing a few times a week and professional grooming every 4-6 weeks is recommended. This consistent grooming can lead to slightly higher monthly costs compared to low-maintenance breeds.

3. How often do Havanese need to visit the vet?

It’s advisable for a Havanese, like all breeds, to have an annual veterinary check-up. However, puppies will need more frequent visits for vaccinations and initial health checks. Setting aside funds or having pet insurance can help cover routine and unforeseen medical expenses.

4. Do Havanese have specific dietary needs that might affect food costs?

Havaneses don’t have unique dietary requirements, but they thrive on high-quality dog food formulated for small breeds. Premium dog foods that support coat health and overall well-being might be slightly more expensive but can prevent health issues in the long run.

5. Can Havanese adapt to apartment living, potentially reducing costs associated with larger outdoor spaces?

Yes, Havanese are well-suited for apartment living due to their small size and adaptable nature. While they enjoy play and short walks, they don’t require large outdoor spaces. This adaptability can reduce expenses linked to maintaining bigger yards or outdoor enclosures.

6. Are there any prevalent health issues in Havanese that might affect veterinary costs?

While the Havanese is generally a healthy breed, they can be predisposed to certain conditions like hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and cataracts. Regular health screenings and setting aside a budget for potential health issues can help manage costs.

7. Do Havanese require specific toys or play equipment due to their size?

Havanese are playful and enjoy toys suitable for their small size. Investing in durable toys can reduce the frequency of replacement, but there’s no specific equipment needed exclusively for the breed.

8. Is pet insurance a wise investment for a Havanese?

Given the potential health concerns and general costs of veterinary care, pet insurance can be a prudent investment for Havanese owners. Monthly premiums vary, but having insurance can provide peace of mind and help cover unexpected expenses.

9. How often should a Havanese be professionally trained, and what’s the average cost?

While Havaneses are intelligent and often easy to train, puppy obedience classes can be beneficial. Depending on the location, a series of group classes can range from $100-$300, which when averaged monthly, impacts the budget slightly.

10. Do Havanese need any special winter care items that might add to costs?

In colder climates, a Havanese might benefit from protective gear like sweaters or booties. These items are not mandatory but can provide added comfort during chilly months. If you opt for such accessories, they can slightly increase your monthly budget.

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