I came back yesterday from working at Turriefield (my sorting and packing veg volunteer job for a local cooperative), with a large bin liner of the last of the celery – various bolted tops and stalks.

They were meant for the Minions but, as the Ancient Icelandics were nearby, I put some in a carrier bag and went to see them.  I wanted to know if Icelandic horses like celery.

Haakon sniffed it.

Iacs was having a bit of a sit and I reckoned he loves all food, so of course he would enjoy it.

Nope, not celery, though.  I have found the one thing Iacs won’t eat.

Kolka went by the theory that if you don’t try it, you don’t know whether you like it or not – something I always told my children when faced with unknown food.

Haakon actually ate a few bits.  He munched away, more I think out of politeness than liking.

Iacs refused point blank to eat this new thing but sniffed the leaves a lot trying hard.

He wanted to like it but….. nope.

So I gathered up all the leftovers, put them back in my carrier bag deciding never to feed celery tops to Icelandic horses.

I took the rest plus the big bag to the Minions who were thrilled.

Now, they love celery tops and stalks.

There was lots of very loud munching.

Sadly, this is the end of the celery season now.  I know the Minions will miss this treat.

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