Because the sheep are becoming increasingly lame as the wet weather returns, I decided to muck out the sheep shed which was not its best.  It was only meant to be a quick job. Nothing huge.

But, like most things, this small job turned into mammoth task.

Sheep poo has a unique formulation that it sticks like concrete and we had to chip the welded blocks off the rubber matting from the whole area.


A few weeks ago, our electric wheelbarrow arrived and I cannot tell you just how much easier it made the task of lugging everything to the muck heap.

Dumping the old bedding was effortless and for those of you wondering how I can possibly have this – I sold a field and the proceeds have gone into making our lives (and backs) easier this winter working with the animals.

Anywho, we scraped and shovelled all morning and eventually we could see a change.

My afternoon was spent packing vegetables but when I came home…..

….. I found OH had continued with this job and the place was looking even better.

You could eat your supper off the floor.

Dahlia and Gussie were around, occasionally popping by to give encouragement.

OH had spent the afternoon cleaning and  relaying the rubber mats, which had migrated and curled up over the years.  Some needed trimming.

I laid out two bales of wood-shavings first.

And then two bales of straw on top of the shavings.  The perfect sheep bed.

I ache therefore I am so I am going to take every known painkiller in my possession and go to bed now.  That was one huge task.  Never again.

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