This is Kolka’s house now.  She’s made it her own.  It is official.

And everyone else is not allowed in.

Kolka makes a point of going and standing in Her Shed every morning after breakfast. She also leaves me a present, which I clear up later.

(btw, I love this photo – Kolka is very photogenic, unlike others).

I don’t think the old men mind too much about not being allowed in the shed.  Haakon would barge his way in if he felt he must.  No, is not a word he cares for very much in his life.

And Iacs has bigger fish (carrots) to fry.

He was on the rampage, trying to follow me for more carrots – I had very kindly taken out three on my dog walk to feed them en route.  I like to check they haven’t got colic or laminitis, ie show me you can eat and walk.

And when I said out loud “that’s it, Iacs. No more”, he made this face!  Silly old thing.

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