I’m just looking at my phone, trying to find today’s blog idea when I realised I have many photos of Monster on our Persian rug.  I think it is because it makes the perfect background for his beautiful physique.

Some pictures are more flattering than others but Monster does look very good against the vibrant Persian patterns and colour.

(a lovely waistline but rather stubby chubby little legs – that’s all I am saying!)

Sometimes, Pepper is added to the mix.

As an almost invisible cat, Monster features a lot in my life.

Mostly, he wants to join in with whatever I am doing.

Or likes to drape himself all over my iPad while I am having breakfast, trying to catch up with various forums and websites.  The little-kitten look melts my heart, every time and I give up all thoughts of anything but tickling Monster’s dangerous tummy.

And then I will be biffed by a paw.  Resistance is useless.

Monster also does a very good sulk as well, especially when I have shouted “enough” because it all gets a bit much.

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