
Many dog owners expect loyalty, affection, and companionship from their furry friends, but some breeds bring an extra level of intelligence that can surprise even the most seasoned pet parents. These breeds have an uncanny ability to outsmart their owners, whether through their problem-solving skills, creativity in getting what they want, or ability to read human emotions and manipulate situations to their advantage. While many well-known intelligent breeds like Border Collies and Poodles are often discussed, many lesser-known breeds display the same sharp wit and cunning behavior.

Belgian Laekenois


The Belgian Laekenois is one of the lesser-known Belgian Shepherd breeds, but it is by no means lacking in intelligence. Historically used for herding and guarding, this breed possesses a keen mind and an independent streak. Belgian Laekenois are excellent problem solvers and often figure out ways to outmaneuver their owners, whether it’s unlocking a gate or finding creative solutions to get what they want. Their intelligence and their need for mental stimulation means they require consistent and challenging activities to stay occupied. If left to their own devices, they’ll quickly figure out ways to entertain themselves, often leaving their owners wondering who’s in charge.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog


The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is a hardworking herding breed from Switzerland, known for its determination and smarts. While they may be small compared to other herding dogs, they are incredibly resourceful and independent thinkers. This breed uses its intelligence to determine how to get what it wants, whether opening a door, manipulating its environment, or even outsmarting its owner during training sessions. Entlebuchers can read their owner’s emotions and intentions, often outthinking them when it comes to playtime, training, or managing tasks around the home.

Norwegian Lundehund


The Norwegian Lundehund is a rare breed that evolved to hunt puffins on rocky cliffs in Norway. With six toes on each paw and an incredibly flexible spine, these dogs are built to problem-solve their way through challenging environments. Their sharp minds allow them to solve obstacles, whether escaping from an enclosed space or finding a hidden treat. Lundehunds are notorious for their stubbornness and independence, making them a challenge for even experienced dog owners. Their intelligence means they quickly learn how to outwit their humans, often making their owners work harder to keep up with their antics.



The Schipperke, often called the “little captain,” is a small, black Belgian breed originally used as a watchdog on canal boats. Schipperkes are known for their high energy levels, curiosity, and sharp minds. They are always looking for something to explore or investigate, and their problem-solving ability makes them a handful for their owners. Schipperkes have an independent nature and are quick to figure out how to escape from confined spaces, outwit their owners during training, or get into things they shouldn’t. This breed’s intelligence and mischievous nature make them one of the cleverest small dogs.

Berger Picard


The Berger Picard is a French herding breed with an independent streak and strong determination. Known for their rustic appearance and curly coats, Berger Picards are often underestimated in terms of their intelligence. However, these dogs are brilliant problem solvers and possess the ability to think independently. Whether they’re herding livestock or working through a puzzle toy, they have an uncanny knack for figuring things out on their own. Berger Picards are quick to test their owners’ limits and find creative ways to avoid following commands, proving that they can easily outsmart even the most attentive dog owners.



The Pumi, a Hungarian herding breed, is full of energy and intelligence. Known for their quick wit and sharp problem-solving abilities, Pumis excel at reading situations and adapting to them, often outthinking their owners in the process. Their high energy and intelligence require regular mental and physical stimulation, and if they become bored, they will find ways to entertain themselves—often in ways that surprise their owners. Pumis are incredibly clever when it comes to getting what they want, and their natural curiosity means they are constantly finding new challenges to conquer, whether escaping from a backyard or manipulating their humans during training.

Canaan Dog


The Canaan Dog is an ancient breed from the Middle East, originally used as a guard dog and herder. Known for their independence and intelligence, Canaan Dogs are quick learners who can easily pick up on human behavior and outsmart their owners. They are highly adaptable and will find clever ways to overcome challenges, whether finding a way out of a fenced yard or manipulating their environment to their advantage. Canaan Dogs are also known for their strong sense of self-preservation, which makes them particularly adept at assessing situations and making decisions independently, sometimes outwitting even the most experienced dog trainers.

Portuguese Podengo


The Portuguese Podengo is a hunting breed that comes in three sizes—small, medium, and large—and is known for its agility, speed, and intelligence. While their primary role was hunting small game, Podengos are also excellent problem solvers. They are quick to learn and often use their intelligence to figure out how to manipulate their environment to their advantage. Podengos are independent thinkers and can easily outsmart their owners, especially if they are not given enough mental stimulation. Their curiosity and resourcefulness make them skilled at escaping enclosures, solving puzzles, and finding creative ways to get what they want.

Icelandic Sheepdog


The Icelandic Sheepdog is a spitz-type herding breed known for its intelligence and strong work ethic. Despite their friendly and approachable nature, these dogs are incredibly smart and often outthink their owners regarding tasks or challenges. Icelandic Sheepdogs are natural problem solvers, whether they are working on the farm or figuring out how to get around obstacles in the home. Their sharp minds and independent thinking mean they are always one step ahead, whether it’s during training or when trying to outwit their owners for a treat. Icelandic Sheepdogs are known for their ability to assess situations quickly and take action, making them one of the most intelligent and clever herding breeds.

Cleverness Beyond Measure


These lesser-known dog breeds may not always get the spotlight, but their intelligence and problem-solving abilities set them apart. These breeds can outsmart their owners in various situations. Whether you’re looking for a clever companion to keep you on your toes or a breed that can easily solve complex problems, these dogs have the brains to match their brawn. While their intelligence can sometimes be challenging for owners, they are also incredibly rewarding pets, as they constantly bring new surprises and challenges into everyday life.

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