I (and OH) are exhausted but we did it. We fitted out the two containers with their rubber mats.

Two coats of bitumen paint were down and had dried first.

Then we lugged half the mats from the van into the back of OH’s little van.

We reckoned on eight mats per container.

And, of course, two mats didn’t fit so they had to be measured…..

…. and cut.

One container ready.

And then we did the next one, which was much quicker because we had it down to a fine art by then.

I opened the barrier and the ponies, who had been hovering near by watching and commenting, arrived.

Fivla was the first one in but we were busy using up the spare rubber matting on another shed, so no photos.  Newt was also inquisitive.

The others thought about it for a while but wouldn’t come inside…..

…. despite watching Newt eat lots of treats for his bravery.


So, in the end, I put an ill-fitting headcollar on Tiddles (the closest) and led him inside to have a treat.

Then Waffle and Fivla…..

Swiftly followed by everyone else.

Everyone else, that is, except for Albie who would have none of it and refused to walk inside so I left him to it.

I think I can safely say that the others loved the container.

It’s funny, Albie is not scared of Skippy but going inside a container was one step too far.

I left everyone to explore and Newt spent his afternoon going in and out endlessly.  A bit like  Eeyore’s balloon in a pot.

“But Eeyore wasn’t listening. He was taking the balloon out, and putting it back again, as happy as could be.⁠ ⁠…”

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