Dachshunds are a delightful and popular breed known for their distinctive elongated bodies and charming personalities. When it comes to taking care of your Dachshund, one of the most important aspects is ensuring they get the right amount of exercise and bathroom breaks. How often you take your Dachshund outside to pee can vary depending on their age and specific needs. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the frequency of bathroom breaks for Dachshunds at different life stages—puppies, adults, and senior dogs.

Understanding Dachshunds’ Unique Needs

Before diving into the specifics of how often you should take your Dachshund outside to pee, it’s essential to understand some of the unique characteristics and needs of this breed.

Size: Dachshunds come in three coat varieties (smooth, long-haired, and wire-haired) and two sizes (standard and miniature). Standard Dachshunds typically weigh between 16 and 32 pounds, while miniature Dachshunds weigh less than 11 pounds. Their small size means they have smaller bladders and may need to go out more frequently than larger breeds.
Energy Level: Dachshunds are an energetic breed, and their activity levels can vary between individuals. Some Dachshunds are more active and playful, while others are more laid-back. This can impact how often they need to go outside to relieve themselves.
Stubbornness: Dachshunds are known for their stubborn nature, which can make potty training a bit more challenging than with other breeds. Consistency and patience are key when training Dachshunds to go outside.

Now, let’s dive into how often you should take your Dachshund outside to pee at different stages of their life.

Puppy Dachshunds

Puppyhood is a critical time for potty training your Dachshund. Puppies have smaller bladders and weaker bladder control, which means they need more frequent bathroom breaks. Here’s a guideline for taking your puppy Dachshund outside to pee:

Age: Puppies are typically weaned and ready to go to their new homes around 8 weeks of age. At this age, their bladder control is minimal, and they may need to urinate every 1-2 hours.
Schedule: Establish a consistent potty schedule for your puppy. Take them outside first thing in the morning, after meals, before bedtime, and every 1-2 hours in between. Also, take them out immediately after waking up from a nap or playtime.
Supervision: Keep a close eye on your puppy when they are indoors. Watch for signs that they need to go, such as sniffing the floor or circling. If you notice these behaviors, take them outside immediately.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward your puppy with treats and praise when they successfully go potty outside. This positive reinforcement will help them associate outdoor potty breaks with positive experiences.
Be Patient: Potty training can take time, and accidents are inevitable. Stay patient and consistent with your training efforts. As your puppy grows, their bladder control will improve, and the frequency of bathroom breaks can be gradually reduced.

Adult Dachshunds

As your Dachshund grows into adulthood, their bladder control will improve, and they can hold their pee for longer periods. However, it’s essential to continue providing regular bathroom breaks to maintain good habits. Here’s a guideline for taking adult Dachshunds outside to pee:

Age: Dachshunds are considered adults at around 1 year of age. At this stage, their bladder control is much better than during puppyhood.
Schedule: Adult Dachshunds typically need to go outside to pee about 3-4 times a day. The key times include first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. Adjust the schedule based on your dog’s individual needs and activity level.
Activity Level: The energy level and activity of your Dachshund can influence how often they need bathroom breaks. More active dogs may need to go out more frequently, while less active ones can hold it longer.
Signs: Pay attention to your Dachshund’s behavior. If they start whining, circling, or sniffing around the house, it may be a sign that they need to go outside.
Consistency: Maintain a consistent schedule and take your Dachshund out at the same times each day. This helps reinforce good bathroom habits.

Senior Dachshunds

As Dachshunds enter their senior years, their physical abilities may change, and they may require more frequent bathroom breaks. It’s essential to adapt to their changing needs and provide the appropriate care. Here’s a guideline for taking senior Dachshunds outside to pee:

Age: Dachshunds are considered seniors at around 7-8 years of age, although this can vary depending on the individual. Senior dogs may experience a decline in bladder control and muscle tone.
Schedule: Senior Dachshunds may need to go outside to pee more often than their adult counterparts. Aim for 4-5 bathroom breaks a day. Pay attention to their specific needs, as some seniors may require even more frequent trips outside.
Health Issues: Senior Dachshunds are more prone to various health issues, including urinary incontinence. If your senior Dachshund is having accidents indoors or seems to be struggling with bladder control, consult your veterinarian for advice and potential treatment options.
Mobility: Older Dachshunds may experience mobility issues, making it challenging for them to reach the outdoors quickly. Be patient and help them navigate stairs or obstacles as needed.
Comfort: Ensure your senior Dachshund has a comfortable and accessible area to relieve themselves. Consider using puppy pads or a designated indoor potty area if necessary.

Common Factors That Affect Bathroom Break Frequency

While age is a significant factor in determining how often you should take your Dachshund outside to pee, several other factors can influence their bathroom break frequency:

Diet: The type of food your Dachshund eats can affect their bathroom habits. High-fiber diets may lead to more frequent bowel movements, while certain foods can increase water intake, leading to more frequent urination.
Water Intake: Monitoring your Dachshund’s water intake can help predict when they may need to go outside. Be mindful of excessive drinking, as it can be a sign of underlying health issues.
Health Conditions: Some health conditions, such as urinary tract infections or diabetes, can increase the frequency of urination. If you suspect your Dachshund has a health issue, consult your veterinarian.
Medications: If your Dachshund is on medication, it may affect their bathroom habits. Discuss any medication-related concerns with your vet.
Stress and Anxiety: Changes in your Dachshund’s environment or routine can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which may result in more frequent bathroom breaks.
Weather Conditions: Extreme weather conditions, such as hot summer days or cold winters, can affect how long your Dachshund can comfortably stay outside. Adjust their outdoor time accordingly.


Taking your Dachshund outside to pee is a crucial aspect of their care and well-being. The frequency of bathroom breaks varies depending on their age, with puppies needing the most frequent outings and senior dogs requiring special attention. Understanding your Dachshund’s individual needs, energy level, and any underlying health conditions is key to providing the right amount of outdoor time.

Remember that potty training and maintaining good bathroom habits require patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Whether you have a playful puppy or a senior companion, providing the appropriate bathroom breaks will ensure that your Dachshund remains happy and healthy throughout their life.

The post How Often Do I Take a Dachshund Outside to Pee? appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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