In 2016, deep within the wild, untamed landscapes of the Canadian wilderness, a Golden Retriever/Collie mix named Kali embarked on an incredible and perilous journey that would forever etch her story in the hearts of those who followed it. Her adventure, marked by survival and sheer determination, unfolded over the span of ten long days, during which she battled nature’s fiercest elements alone. What began as a serene hike with her owners soon turned into a heart-wrenching ordeal that tested not only Kali’s resilience but also her family’s hope and love.

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Kali’s tale began during what was supposed to be a serene hiking trip with her owners, Dave Kareken and Joy Neilyset. The couple, along with Kali, had ventured out to explore the scenic trails and rivers of the Canadian wilderness. The forests stretched endlessly, and the air was filled with the crisp scent of pine and earth. It was the perfect escape from their day-to-day lives in Asheville, North Carolina—a chance to reconnect with nature and each other.

As they hiked along the riverbank, they admired the tranquil beauty of the water that flowed beside them. However, they were unaware that recent heavy rains had transformed the usually peaceful river into a dangerous torrent. The sound of the water, usually gentle and soothing, now roared with a ferocity that belied its calm surface.

Kali, like many dogs, was driven by a boundless curiosity and an adventurous spirit. While her family admired the surroundings, Kali wandered a bit too close to the river’s edge. What started as a playful exploration soon turned into a nightmare. She slipped, losing her footing, and tumbled down onto a rocky ledge, landing about ten feet below where her owners stood.

Before Dave and Joy could react, Kali made a fateful leap, perhaps disoriented and frightened by her sudden fall. She jumped into the raging waters below, trying to swim against the powerful current. The river, swollen and swift from the recent rains, swept her away before her horrified owners’ eyes.

Frantic, Dave and Joy began shouting her name, calling for Kali, but the churning rapids had already carried her far downstream. They searched the banks of the river for hours, desperately hoping to catch sight of her golden fur or hear her familiar bark. However, as daylight began to fade, it became clear that Kali had vanished. The realization that she might be gone forever began to set in.

“We called and searched for hours,” Dave later recounted. “But there was no sign of her.”

With heavy hearts, the family made the agonizing decision to continue their hike without her. It was one of the hardest choices they had ever faced, but with no trace of Kali and no way to safely track her down the dangerous river, they had little choice. They left Canada with their hearts shattered, returning to their home in Asheville, North Carolina, while their son departed for a camp in Minnesota.

The emotional toll of losing Kali was immense. For Dave and Joy, she was more than just a pet—she was a cherished member of their family, a constant companion who brought joy and love into their lives. The thought of her being lost, scared, and possibly hurt in the unforgiving wilderness was unbearable.

“We lost a member of our family,” Dave said, his voice heavy with grief. “I had never felt anything like it before.”

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Days passed, and the hope of finding Kali alive began to wane. The Canadian wilderness is vast and wild, filled with dangers for any animal, let alone a domesticated dog accustomed to the comforts of home. The odds of survival seemed slim. Dave and Joy tried to come to terms with the loss, but a part of them refused to fully let go. Could Kali, with her strong will and adventurous nature, somehow still be out there?

Unbeknownst to her grieving family, Kali was indeed still alive, fighting for her life in the wilderness. For ten long days, she navigated the dense forests, relying on her instincts to survive. She battled cold nights, scavenged for food, and found shelter wherever she could. The once-loved pet was now a survivor, adapting to the wild in ways her family could have never imagined.

Kali’s natural instincts kicked in during those crucial days. Though domesticated, dogs like Kali possess a deep-rooted survival ability passed down from their wild ancestors. She sought out sources of water, foraged for food, and took refuge in the shelter of trees and rocks. While the exact details of her journey through the wilderness remain a mystery, it is clear that her will to live was unwavering.

Meanwhile, back in Asheville, Dave and Joy struggled with the uncertainty of her fate. Every day that passed brought more pain and unanswered questions. Where was Kali? Was she hurt? Was she scared? They could only hope that, somehow, their beloved dog had found a way to survive.

Then, just as the weight of their grief became nearly unbearable, a phone call changed everything. Dave received a message that left him in disbelief. A nearby campsite, miles from where Kali had been swept away, had found a dog—alive. Campers had spotted a weary, but determined, Golden Retriever/Collie mix wandering near their campsite. After some quick inquiries, they realized the dog matched Kali’s description.

The news was almost too good to be true. Dave’s heart raced as he processed the information. Could it really be her? Could Kali have survived the rapids, the wilderness, and more than a week on her own? Overcome with emotion, he wasted no time. Without hesitation, Dave jumped into his car and embarked on a 20-hour drive straight back to Canada, eager to be reunited with the dog he had feared was gone forever.

Every mile felt like an eternity as he imagined what the reunion might be like. Would Kali recognize him? Would she still be the same dog after such an ordeal? The thought of wrapping his arms around her again filled him with a mix of joy and anxiety.

When he finally arrived at the campsite and laid eyes on Kali, the emotions overwhelmed him. She was thinner, her fur matted, and her eyes showed signs of exhaustion. But there was no mistaking her. She was alive. She had survived.

“I collapsed when I heard she was alive,” Dave recalled. “I just fell to my knees in disbelief and prayer and thanks.”

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Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.


Kali rushed toward him, tail wagging, as if the days of separation had never happened. The bond between them, stronger than ever, was undeniable. In that moment, it didn’t matter how she had survived or what she had endured—what mattered was that she was home.

Kali’s incredible story of survival is a testament to the enduring strength of animals and the unbreakable bond they share with their families. Against all odds, she overcame the challenges of the wilderness, proving that love, determination, and a will to survive can conquer even the most formidable forces of nature.

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