Pomeranians, with their fluffy coats and endearing personalities, are more than just lap dogs—they’re showstoppers when it comes to their stunning fur. However, their beautiful coats require regular maintenance to stay soft, clean, and tangle-free. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Pomeranian grooming, covering everything from the frequency of brushing to the necessity of professional grooming sessions, ensuring your Pom looks and feels great.

1. Decoding the Pomeranian’s Double Coat

Pomeranians sport a luxurious double coat with a soft undercoat and a longer, harsher outer coat. This double layer is essential for insulation but also means Poms are prone to matting and heavy shedding, which dictates a strict grooming regimen.

2. Brushing: The Cornerstone of Pom Grooming

Due to their thick undercoat, Pomeranians require daily brushing to prevent mats and tangles. Using the right tools, like a pin brush or a slicker brush, and a good technique, is key to effective grooming without causing discomfort to your Pom.

3. Bathing Your Pom: Frequency and Technique

Pomeranians don’t need to be bathed too often—typically every 3 to 6 weeks. It’s crucial to use a shampoo that’s gentle on their skin and to ensure they’re thoroughly dried afterward to prevent chilling or skin issues.

4. Nail Care: Clipping Considerations

Long nails can be uncomfortable for Pomeranians and can even alter their gait. It’s generally recommended to trim their nails every 4 to 6 weeks, using a sharp nail clipper or grinder designed for small dogs.

5. Ear Cleaning: A Delicate Matter

Clean ears are happy ears! Pomeranians can develop wax build-up and ear infections if not regularly maintained. Gentle cleaning with a vet-recommended ear cleaner should be part of your Pom’s grooming routine.

6. Dental Hygiene: Not Just for Fresh Breath

Dental health is often overlooked in canine care, yet it’s vital, especially for small breeds like Pomeranians. Brushing their teeth a few times a week with canine toothpaste can ward off tartar and prevent dental diseases.

7. Eye Care: Keeping the Windows to the Soul Clear

Pomeranians are susceptible to tear staining and eye discharge. Keeping the area around their eyes clean is important to prevent irritation or infection, which can be done during regular grooming sessions.

8. Paw and Pad Care: Protecting the Little Paws

The fur around a Pomeranian’s paws can mat and collect debris, while their pads can become dry or cracked. Regular trimming and the use of protective balms can keep their feet in good condition.

9. Professional Grooming: When and Why

While basic grooming can be done at home, professional groomers can tackle the more challenging aspects of Pomeranian care, such as a full haircut, which might be needed every 4 to 6 weeks to keep their coats manageable.

10. Seasonal Grooming: Adjusting to the Weather

Seasonal changes can affect your Pomeranian’s coat, with shedding typically increasing in the spring and fall. Adjusting your grooming techniques and frequency during these times can help manage your changing coat.


Grooming is not just about keeping your Pomeranian looking good—it’s a crucial part of their overall health care. A well-groomed Pom is a happier, healthier dog, and the bonding time can strengthen the loving connection you share with your pet. With the right tools, techniques, and schedule, grooming can become a rewarding routine for you and your Pomeranian.


Frequently Asked Questions About Grooming A Pomeranian

1. How often should I brush my Pomeranian’s coat?

A Pomeranian’s coat should be brushed daily to prevent matting and tangles, as well as to remove loose fur. This regular brushing distributes natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it healthy and shiny. Using a bristle brush for the outer coat and a finer-toothed comb for the undercoat is recommended.

2. What is the best way to bathe my Pomeranian?

The best way to bathe your Pomeranian is to use lukewarm water and a gentle, dog-specific shampoo. It’s important to thoroughly rinse the coat to prevent residue buildup, which can irritate the skin. Bathing should be done every 3 to 6 weeks to keep their skin and coat in optimal condition.

3. How can I reduce shedding in my Pomeranian?

To reduce shedding in Pomeranians, maintain a regular grooming routine with daily brushing. During the shedding season, you may want to increase grooming frequency and use tools like a de-shedding brush or comb to help remove the undercoat. A healthy diet with the right balance of omega fatty acids can also promote a healthier coat and reduce excessive shedding.

4. Do Pomeranians need to have their hair cut?

Pomeranians typically do not need their hair cut, but they may require trimming around the paws and ears for cleanliness and comfort. If you prefer a shorter coat, professional grooming every 4 to 6 weeks can help maintain the desired length without damaging the coat.

5. How should I care for my Pomeranian’s nails?

Your Pomeranian’s nails should be trimmed regularly, about every 4 to 6 weeks, to prevent discomfort and mobility issues. Use a sharp nail clipper or grinder specifically designed for small dog breeds, and be cautious to avoid cutting the quick.

6. What is the proper way to clean my Pomeranian’s ears?

To clean your Pomeranian’s ears, use a cotton ball or soft cloth with a vet-approved canine ear cleaner. Gently wipe the outer ear and the inside of the ear flap, but avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal to prevent damage.

7. How do I prevent my Pomeranian’s teeth from getting plaque buildup?

Prevent plaque buildup on your Pomeranian’s teeth by brushing them several times a week with a toothbrush and toothpaste made for dogs. Providing dental chews and toys can also help reduce tartar and promote oral health.

8. How can I avoid tear stains on my Pomeranian’s face?

Avoid tear stains on your Pomeranian’s face by gently wiping the area around their eyes with a soft, damp cloth daily. There are also specially formulated tear stain removers available if regular cleaning does not prevent staining.

9. What are some common skin problems in Pomeranians, and how can grooming help?

Common skin problems in Pomeranians include dryness, flaking, and allergies. Regular grooming helps to identify these issues early by giving you a chance to examine the skin closely. Using the right grooming products and techniques can also prevent problems by keeping the skin clean and well-moisturized.

10. When should I seek professional grooming services for my Pomeranian?

Seek professional grooming services for your Pomeranian for more complicated tasks like a full haircut, especially if you want to maintain a specific style. Professionals can also assist with safe ear cleaning, nail trimming, and addressing any skin or coat issues that may require special attention.

The post How Often Do You Need a Groom a Pomeranian? appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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