Sherman, a Pit Bull with unusually swollen back legs, embarked on a challenging journey under the care of a negligent breeder. The puppy struggled with an excess buildup of fluid, known as lymphedema. Unwilling to shoulder the financial responsibility of the puppy’s medical condition, the breeder heartlessly handed Sherman over to a shelter.


The shelter staff compassionately took Sherman into their care. The severity of his condition pulled at their heartstrings. Sherman’s condition was serious and the veterinarians painted a bleak picture. They were unsure if Sherman would survive. Regardless, the shelter staff had hope that the brave dog would prevail. Vets vigilantly monitored his swollen paws to prevent infections.


The shelter embarked on a quest to find a family ready to embrace the challenges awaiting the ailing pup. That’s when Michael Swan entered the picture. Michael looked at the small Pit Bull with swollen legs and felt an instant connection he couldn’t explain. The Swan family welcomed the deserving pup into their home. “He’s wonderful. We love him very much, and he loves us back,” Michael said.


Sherman’s condition didn’t deter the family one bit. Instead, they embraced the pup with open arms and open hearts. Michael, a father of three, determined to heal the puppy, took to the internet to learn as much about Sherman’s condition as possible. Michael believed that with the right treatment and oodles of love, Sherman would make a full recovery.

To meet Sherman and learn about his tale of survival, click ‘play’ on the video below. We are so grateful to the shelter staff and to Michael and his family. They never gave up on Sherman, no matter the obstacles in their way!

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