The light was beautiful when I went out with the dogs this morning.

I took with me a pile of chopped carrots that I had forgottent to put in the breakast buckets for the Icelandic senior citizens.

Luckily, they choked them down to be polite, you understand or possibly for science.

Bibble was on sparkling form and I may use one of these photos to send to Ardene House Vets, Aberdeen to say thank you for his cancer care this year.

There were times when I honestly didn’t think we would get this far with him.  I never stop worrying.

But, here we are with Bibble and his silly-frilly in full working order.  Phew!

However, I will not be using this photo – Bibble giving Kolka “the evils”.

When I said “smile for the camera, please”, though, they both did.

Then an Abba moment. It’s Björn and Agnetha all over again!

I left them to it.

Meanwhile Haakon wandered over too.

He is looking very good too and I am pleased with him.

He is the oldest of the group (herd) and will be 30 years old next year.  I have had him for 27 years.

And he’s still just the same!

A wise but aloof chap who hates being hugged, though I do sneak the odd one in when I can grab my moment.

On with the dogwalk and I left the horses all to the serious business of stuffing their faces.

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