It’s been a funny old day.  Everyone knows the snow storm is coming.  I can tell that.

This morning’s sunrise was definitely an omen.

I was off to a meeting this morning, and on my way out of the door (twice – I forgot the sossage rolls I had promised), I scrambled over the fence and gave the old Icelandics a big carrot each just to check they were ok.

There was some feisty weather during the meeting but it was brief.  Things to come, I bet.

Afterwards I went into my shed to make a sheep.

Obviously the family came too and everyone had a dog treat.   Even Monster.

So we’ve battened down the hatches and will see what the next 72 hours brings.  It is not looking nice and you know about my obssession with the weather forecast (I have every app on my phone to see if someone is forecasting sun – ever the optimist).

This is the world’s worst film (I had my head torch on) when I asked the old Icelandic horses if they wanted to hunker down in the other field……   There was enthusiastic trotting which was nice to see.  I hope they stay safe and well through all of this.

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