Another storm is on its way and this one is going to last for days *** sigh *** but it remains relatively warm so that’s a plus.

After all our breakfasts and armed with a bucket of useful things including 12 pieces of carrot and my essential list of individual weights (thank you to Sandness Equine Services), I went out to catch each and every horse and pony.


Once caught, I cut tails short so they don’t drag or touch the ground (I may have been a bit over-enthusiastic with one or two, sorry), brushed everyone’s backs to make them floofy again for better rain protection and then gave each pony the required amount of wormer according to their weight.  The old ones also got a dose of probiotic.  Then they were released only to stand around and annoy each other or me.  Storm and Cousin Newt had designs on my bucket.

There was a lot of “help”, possibly a bit too much at times.

As well as getting in the way.

But I achieved everything fairly successsfully, though I am not convinced I wormed Waffle but as I couldn’t see any evidence of wormer on the ground, I remain hopeful.

Waffle was the last one to be done, so once I had finished, I led him out of the wee paddock. The others all followed and they went on their merry little way.

Then it was time to do the same with the Ancients.

That also went pretty smoothly except Haakon refused to be caught. Once I wormed him, etc, he refused to eat anything ever again, refusing even his piece of carrot.

So now I spent the day convinced he has colic.  I went down later and gave him a horse treat which he managed to swallow down.  Phew!

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