Need advice. What hip & joint supplement would you recommend for a dog?

Posted by John H. – 12/31/23

My girl has done really well with Cosequin max strength with MSM. I’ve been giving it to her since she was two and she is seven years old now. – Kathryn H.


I use Dasaquin for my golden retriever – Joe L.

I have been giving my GSD Dasaquin advance since she was 6 months old. She is 6 yrs old now. – Alison O.

Glucosamine and 4000mg fish oil (2 capsules in the morning 2 at night) The fish oil was recommended by my surgeon after TPL surgery Both my boys get this daily and they are doing great! – Elke A.

I used canivet found it a really good price and worked really well –  Duncan G.

Cosequin works great for our 8 yo girl – Catherine B.

Desaquin, its great –  Jeannine H.

If she’s limping or having any problems walking I would do Super Snouts Hemp & Joint amazing stuff! –  Kelly S.

Glycoflex is great. Comes in 3 stages. –  Stephanie S.

I gave mine triactive – Diane B.

My breeder recommend nu vet plus for our boy and he is doing terrific – Jodi I.

I give freeze dried green muscle everyday to mine! – Rich Y.

Just started giving my boy Neutraquin+ and the turnaround is pretty startling. He’s ten years old and his back end is beginning to fail and he started to have issues with his front legs. Five days and he’s picked up so much. We are waiting for lab results for a potential tumour but if this can give him a better quality of life for the time he has left, I don’t care what the cost is. He’s still our boy and we love him. – Jason G.

My 4 year old Rottweiler has arthritis and vet told me to give dasuquin with msm. Works great. Debbie F.

I give my GSD hemp hip and joint wonder chews. They have MSM and Tumeric and other vitamins including hemp oil. – Denny M.

My vet gave me rimadyl for his hips & joints, worked well. – Elaine E.

Start sprinkling Tumeric over the food daily ..Blueberries also help tremendously for joint health too ..My GSD’s get both daily with Greek Yogurt each am – Sharon C.

I cannot say enough about Extend joint care. Highly recommend! – Tammy F.

Phyto flex from nature’s pharmacy. The best! I keep my shepherds on it starting at six months. – Jo P.

GWF Nutrition Joint Aid for DogsKathryn L.

YumoveJulie W.

“Cornell” Recommended Nutramax Dasuquin Hip & Joint Soft Chews for Large Dog – Dawn B.

My gsd x husky was having Yumove and a monthly injection of Librella – Valerie W.

Glucosamine 900 mg. one malinois and one Anatolian Shepherd cross husky –  Veronica L.

Go to Dumas meat market and get raw frozen chicken feet and beef cow tendons. Loves them frozen – Dianna W.

We tried all of them. They are ok but Pet Lab is awesome. Our shepherd Zeus will be 12 in June. He had a rough last 6 months, after numerous vet visits, checking hips etc, it all came down to arthritis and old age. We put him on Pet Lab and what a difference. After 2 months he is definitely going in the right direction. – Denis R.

Adequanand previcox can be used together and work on different issues..Adequan actually does repair work.. Both work on horses and dogs. – Myra W.

We gave our shepherd Nupro as recommended by the breeder. He had no hip issues at all until he was 13. – Susan M.

First, call your vet. Let him tell you! – Kitty H.

Look on they have some chews I gave my older shepherd and it really helped her. Good luck. – Cat C.

Ask your vet for the best advice. Glucosamine and chondroitin are good. As they get older and need a stronger supplement Rimadyl is good. – Donna K.

So far my girls have done good on any brand but I currently feed pruina pro plan 30/20 it has joint supplements in it and haven’t had to add things yet – Kelli O.

Nujointds plus NuVet plus every morning recommended by their Breeder. Done the for 6 years now – John F.

Fish oil tea – Vanessa J.

Eggs and olive oil – Johnathon M. 

I’ve always given my GSD’s the mixture of Glucosamine, Chondrotin and MSM. Works very well. Make sure to give according to your dogs weight! – Sonny M.

I can’t remember the name but it but it contained Glucosamine Chondroitin. , Fish oil, Tumeric, & Vitamin D with Calcium. – Andrea B.

Free range eggs – John N.

Galliprant – Deborah A.

I gave my white gsd YouMove every day – still ended up needing 4-weekly Librella injections for arthritic shoulders for the last 2 years of his life though. He was put to sleep last June due to a massive stroke which the vet believed was triggered by a brain tumour. He was 10 years old – Pamela H.

Dasuquin max for large dogs one tablet per day recommended by our Vet. – Loran M.

Librella injection every month, not cheap but worth every penny – Lee R.

A liquid joint supplement called Next Level. It’s fantastic. They’ll act like they’re puppies again. It’s used for horses & dogs, & you should be able to find it at farm/ feed stores, along with Amazon. I’ve used it for years with my dogs, and I’ve never seen or used a better product. – Erika K.

Joint maxx from Chewy It works great for us! – Kathy B.

I use Cbd oil plus Canine Prime which keeps my elderly GSD active. – Wendy H.


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