Goats are considered as great escapists because if a goat wants to get out, it will apparently find a way out. Even a heavy goat of 100 kgs can easily reach the tree on the other side of the fence if it makes up its mind a smallest of the hole can be the exit. …
Contextualizing Loss
A friend asked recently what was the best technique I have found for coping with the grief of losing a…
Do You Breed Goats For Meat?
It is often troubling to decide which breed of goat should be raised to get the meat of good quality. Especially, if you are new in this field, it becomes mandatory for you to have a good knowledge of the breeds, which give good quality meat. You might suffer a huge amount of loss in …
The Horse that Winter Couldn’t Kill
Sprinkled among the wild horses running free in Nevada were mustangs whose fur was….different. It was curly!…
5 Things You Need to Know to Be a Better Advocate Against BSL
*This is a guest post from Tara Garland. Most dog lovers, especially those who own ones labeled as “pit bulls,”…