After the dog walk, I went to sit down in the field with my sheep. Lambie was looking particularly endearing…
Pinecone Spiritual Meaning: Ancient Interpretations and Spiritual Role Pinecone Spiritual Meaning: Ancient Interpretations and Spiritual Role Pinecone symbolism, a journey through time and culture, unveils a world…
The Last of the Leaflets
OH and I still had a few more leaflets to deliver on our round so yesterday morning we set out …
The Old Farts
Morning duties start first light. We are at the stage when we make the most of every hour. And, although…
Starting the Morning
This morning (and possibly every morning) the Minions all came rushing over for their breakfast. Vitamin at the lead and…
A Dozen Ducks
Firstly, apologies for the poor quality of photos – it was nearly dark at 4 o’clock – the nights are…