I spent the morning trimming and brushing the dirt and “paper” skin off what felt like a million garlic bulbs…
Many Small Noseys
The Shetland ponies know the best way to my heart and the contents of my pocketses is to stick their…
Grouse Recovery Imperiled by Overgrazing,BLM’s Livestock Mismanagement Tramples Sage-Grouse Comeback Hopes
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 25, 2024 Contact: Chandra Rosenthal [PEER] (303) 898-0798, crosenthal@peer.or; Josh Osher [WWP] 406-220-2883, josh@westernwatersheds.org Sage-Grouse…
Cease and Desist
Fed up of watching Vitamin trying to break my electric fence by leaning over it, OH and I took action.…
Lambie in the House
Last night, while I was making my evening sheep, Lambie came a-knocking. He was in a bit of a state…