Are your taxpayer dollars funding cruelty and lies? Augustine M.K. Choi, former dean and provost of and current professor at…
Advocacy goes digital with Animal Equality’s Live Action Hour
Earlier this week, animal advocates gathered for Animal Equality’s first Live Action Hour. Hosted by its Campaigns team, this Live…
All world heat records broken in 2023, fears for 2024
The Animal Reader is an independent news platform based in the Netherlands that shares daily news updates about animals and…
Countless Rattlesnakes Slaughtered in Cruel Events Across the Country—Speak Up to End Rattlesnake Roundups!
“Rattlesnake roundups” are barbaric, misguided events that are sometimes held at carnivals, beauty pageants, and festivals. They typically involve forcing…
There’s a Kinder Way Than Animal Dissection—Help Your School Hop to It!
Where Do Animals Used for Dissection Come From? End Animal Dissection at Your School—Here’s How! Students: Don’t Just Opt Out—End…
PETA Scientist, Local Experts to Team Up at Town Hall, Expose Dangers of Proposed Primate Prison
Primate scientist and PETA Senior Science Advisor Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel will speak at a community town hall meeting on Thursday,…