Sec. 6-15. Cruel treatment prohibited. (i) Tethering. It shall be unlawful for any person to restrain a dog using a chain,…
What Would a ‘Mob Wife’ Wear? Keep This Item out of Your Wardrobe
This Famous ‘Mob Wife’ Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead Wearing Fur What Does One of the Most Famous ‘Mob Wives’ Wear?…
Faison, North Carolina
Sec. 4-4. General regulations. (p) Tethering is a form of animal cruelty so therefore it shall be unlawful for any…
Elon, North Carolina
Sec. 6.7. Tethering. No person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain an animal, or cause such restraining of an…
Cornelius, North Carolina
Sec. 91.06. Violations. (G) Restraint of animals (2) Tethering. Domestic animals may not be tethered to a stationary object unless…
Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina
Sec. 3-3. Maintenance of lots, pens, etc. (b) Tethering. Dogs may not be tethered to a stationary object unless a responsible…