Angry about continued inaction and armed with signs reading, “R.I.P., Sundance, Miami Seaquarium’s Latest Dolphin Death,” PETA supporters will converge…
Buyer, Beware! Misleading ‘Animal Welfare’ Claims by Sustainable Fibre Alliance Prompt PETA Complaint to FTC
PETA submitted a complaint today to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) pointing out that the Sustainable Fibre Alliance (SFA)—whose member…
Cruelly Obtained Coconut Milk at Canadian Whole Foods Stores? PETA Speaks Up
Does forcing monkeys into a lifetime of labor chained by the neck in Thailand to collect coconuts sound kind to…
Bearskin Trade Exposed: Killed With a Crossbow and Sent Across the Pond
Where Does the Fur for Bearskin Caps Come From? PETA’s Investigation Reveals Lured With Cookies, Skinned for Bearskin Caps: PETA…
‘The Laughing Cow’ Is Going Vegan—and We Can’t Get Enough
French dairy company Bel Group—which owns Boursin, Babybel, and The Laughing Cow—has launched yet another vegan cheese. The Laughing Cow…
PETA Docuseries ‘The Failed Experiment’ Is a Surefire Attention-Grabber
Teachers know better than anyone how difficult it can be to capture and hold students’ attention, but TeachKind has something…