From Alicia Silverstone to Joaquin Phoenix, celebrities have played an important role in putting vegan fashion on the map. That’s…
You’ll Be Wide Awake After Learning About These Sleep Experiments
University of Wisconsin–Madison officials have green-lit experiments on marmosets that are so cruel, so pointless, and so patently bereft of…
Hong Kong kills 5,600 pigs after African swine fever found at farm
The Animal Reader is a news website that focuses on animals and the environment. Hong Kong authorities ordered the killing…
PETA Brings Horror Stories From NIH Monkey Fright Lab to the Streets of Bethesda and D.C.
PETA is unveiling new ads in the Washington, D.C., area on behalf of monkeys caged for years in the National…
Breaking: Protester Interrupts CEO to Plead for an End to Sponsorship of Deadly Dog-Sled Race
A heavy security presence at the Liberty Investor Meeting at The Times Center didn’t prevent a PETA supporter from crashing…
Victory! Pajar Canada Bans All Fur After Push From PETA
Well-known winter apparel brand Pajar Canada has confirmed that it will no longer use any real animal fur in its…