For some of us it was a morning of snoozing in the autumn sunshine. I am always surprised to see the horses all laid out together with no one guarding against the little known stealthy Shetland tigers. I did a double take at this photo. Iacs looks identical to Haakon, which is not really surprising […]
Improving the lives of animals one classroom at a time
It’s back to school time, which means the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society will be visiting classrooms across the province…
Why Do Dogs Chew on Sticks?
Dogs Eating Sticks Discover why do dogs chew on sticks. Find the science behind it and learn how to protect…
Recognising the Six Vulture Species of South Africa
Vultures play a critical role in maintaining the balance of our environment. They are nature’s cleanup crew, scavenging and disposing…
‘Me, Buttercup & 3000 Km of Memories’: 26-YO & His Rescue Pup Explore India on Foot
Interested in slow travel and cultures across India, Yati Gaur decided to walk through the country. He has completed five walking expeditions covering states such as Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Rajasthan with his rescue dog, Buttercup.
Canine Liver Disease and Elevated Copper Levels: What Dog Owners Need to Know
There’s been a connection between canine liver disease and elevated levels of copper seen in a liver biopsy since the late 1970’s when veterinarians from the Schwarzman Animal Medical Center, in collaboration with researchers from Albert Einstein School of Medicine, identified copper storage disease in Bedlington terrriers. Twenty-eight years later, researchers identified a gene mutation in COMMD1, a gene controlling copper metabolism, as the cause of the copper storage disease in Bedlington terriers.
However, the link between copper and liver disease in dogs extends beyond this gene mutation, and veterinary researchers continue to study the connection. The image below shows a graphic representation of a National Library of Medicine database search for publications that meet the search criteria “canine AND copper hepatopathy”. (Hepatopathy is the medical term for liver disease.) Several of the publication peaks seen here can help explain the linkage between liver disease and copper.