You know how when you travel, you always come home with more than you left with? That happened to a PETA staffer recently, after a trip to Mexico. The staffer flew down south to help with a PETA-sponsored spay/neuter event in a small town a few hours outside Cancún—and returned with an additional 8 pounds. That’s 8 pounds of the most heart-melting, most aww-inducing cuteness you’ve ever seen. Go on, we triple dog dare you to look at this face and not smile:

Interested in Adopting a Dog? ‘Carmen’ Get Her

This sweet girl was named Carmen by the PETA staffer who rescued her.

Yeah, she’s pretty perfect. And she’s available for adoption.

A PETA staffer brought Carmen to the U.S., but we’re hoping you might be the one to bring this sweet girl home.

In Mexico, where the companion animal overpopulation crisis is dire, millions of dogs live on the streets. Carmen was found homeless in Cancún. When a local good Samaritan took her to an animal shelter, she had internal parasites and ticks.

Interested in Adopting a Dog? ‘Carmen’ Get Her

A shelter worker examines Carmen in Mexico.

Her shyness and fearfulness made it clear that she hadn’t had many positive interactions with humans, but our staffer was eager to show her that humans can be kind—and sometimes they can even be family.

Interested in Adopting a Dog? ‘Carmen’ Get Her

Carmen got some food and TLC upon arriving at PETA’s shelter.

Now, Carmen is in a foster home that she shares with kids, another dog, and a cat. Her foster family reports that she’s doing well (although the fun and games with her new friends are a little tiring).

Interested in Adopting a Dog? ‘Carmen’ Get Her

Carmen naps with her blanket and teddy bear.

Carmen is a puppy—about 3 months old. We suspect that she’s a hound mix who will likely be a medium-size dog once she’s fully grown. Seriously, we can’t with these ears!

Interested in Adopting a Dog? ‘Carmen’ Get Her

Interested in giving Carmen a loving home? Keep reading!

Like any puppy, she needs proper socialization. If you’re someone who’s home much of the day, you might be the perfect person to help this deserving dog learn and thrive. Send an e-mail to to learn more about adopting her.

Find Out More About Carmen and Other Adoptable Animals

The post Looking to Adopt a New Canine Pal? ‘Carmen’ Get Her appeared first on PETA.

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