Westies are small, sturdy, and energetic dogs with a strong personality. They have specific needs due to their size, coat type, and activity level. The costs of owning a Westie can vary based on your living situation, the age of your dog, and your personal preferences for the care of your pet. Let’s delve into the monthly costs associated with owning a Westie.

1. Food

The food costs for a Westie can range from $30 to $50 per month. This estimate is for high-quality, grain-free dog food which can prevent skin allergies commonly seen in Westies. The exact amount will depend on the dog’s size, age, and activity level.

2. Treats

Treats are an integral part of training and rewarding your Westie. Considering their small size, the monthly cost for treats would be around $15 to $25. It’s important to choose healthy options to maintain their weight and dental health.

3. Veterinarian

Regular veterinary care is crucial to keep your Westie healthy. The monthly budget should include costs for annual check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative medications. On average, setting aside $40 to $60 per month should cover these expenses, barring any unforeseen health issues.

4. Toys

Toys play a vital role in keeping your Westie mentally stimulated and physically active. A monthly budget of $10 to $20 can provide a variety of toys to keep them entertained, including chew toys, puzzles, and interactive games.

5. Accessories

Accessories like collars, leashes, and bedding need to be replaced occasionally. For a Westie, you can expect to spend around $10 to $20 each month on these items, assuming a mix of regular replacements and the occasional splurge on higher-end products.

6. Grooming

Westies require regular grooming due to their dense and coarse coat. Professional grooming sessions, which include haircuts, nail trimming, and ear cleaning, can cost about $40 to $70 per session. Assuming a grooming every 4-6 weeks, the monthly cost would average around $20 to $35.

7. Pet Insurance

Pet insurance for a Westie typically costs between $20 to $40 per month. The price varies based on the plan, deductible, and coverage options you choose. This insurance can help cover unexpected medical expenses and provide peace of mind.

8. Training

Training is essential, especially during the puppy stage. Group training sessions can cost between $100 to $200 for a series of classes, equating to roughly $15 to $30 per month when averaged out over the year.

9. Miscellaneous Expenses

It’s wise to budget for miscellaneous expenses such as emergency vet visits, additional grooming tools, or unplanned replacements for damaged items. An additional $20 to $30 per month should cover these unexpected costs.


While the joy of owning a Westie is immeasurable, the financial responsibility is a significant aspect to consider. The estimated monthly cost of owning a Westie in 2023 ranges from approximately $165 to $280. These figures can help you prepare for the rewarding experience of Westie ownership while ensuring your furry friend is well-cared for in all aspects of their life.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Owning A Westie

1. How much does it cost to feed a Westie each month?

Feeding a Westie a diet of high-quality dog food can cost between $30 to $50 per month. The cost varies based on the brand, the quality of ingredients, and whether your dog has special dietary needs. It’s important to account for the size and activity level of your Westie when selecting the right food.

2. What is the average cost for treats for a Westie?

You can expect to spend about $15 to $25 per month on treats for a Westie. When choosing treats, it’s important to look for high-quality options that provide nutritional benefits and support dental health, considering their small size and energy levels.

3. How much should I budget for veterinary care for my Westie?

On average, budgeting $40 to $60 per month for veterinary care is advisable. This should cover routine check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative medications. Keep in mind that unexpected health issues or emergencies can increase these costs significantly.

4. How often do Westies need new toys, and what’s the cost?

Westies are playful dogs that enjoy a variety of toys. A budget of $10 to $20 per month allows for the purchase of new toys to replace old ones and to keep your dog mentally stimulated. Durable toys that can withstand rough play may help save money over time.

5. Are there any significant accessory costs for Westies?

You should plan to spend $10 to $20 each month on accessories for your Westie, which includes items like collars, leashes, and beds. These items may not require monthly replacement but setting aside a budget ensures you can replace or upgrade them as needed.

6. What does grooming a Westie entail, and how much will it cost?

Grooming a Westie typically includes haircuts, nail trims, and ear cleaning, and costs around $40 to $70 per session. Since Westies need grooming every 4-6 weeks, you can average the cost to about $20 to $35 per month. Regular at-home grooming can help reduce professional grooming expenses.

7. Is pet insurance for a Westie worth the cost?

Pet insurance for a Westie can be a smart investment, especially for covering unexpected medical expenses, and it usually costs between $20 to $40 per month. It’s worth considering the peace of mind it provides, though it’s important to carefully review what each policy covers.

8. What are the costs associated with training a Westie?

Training costs for a Westie, particularly for group classes, can range from $100 to $200 for a series of sessions. When averaged out, this equates to approximately $15 to $30 per month, which is a worthwhile investment for well-behaved companionship.

9. What miscellaneous costs come with owning a Westie?

Miscellaneous costs, including emergency vet visits, grooming tools, or replacing chewed-up items, can add an additional $20 to $30 to your monthly budget. It’s important to have a little extra set aside for these unforeseen expenses.

10. How does the cost of owning a Westie compare to other small dog breeds?

The cost of owning a Westie is similar to other small dog breeds, though grooming costs may be higher due to their specific coat requirements. Overall, when considering food, grooming, and healthcare, Westies are relatively average in cost compared to other breeds of similar size.

The post Monthly Cost to Own a Westie appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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