When it comes to rescue pups, there’s no denying that each one has their own unique story to tell. In the case of Quincy, a tiny Bulldog who was delivered by Cesarean section, her story is one of inspiration and the incredible bond that can form between humans and their furry friends.


Quincy’s journey began when she was only a couple of hours old. She was tiny, weighing in at just seven ounces, but she was a fighter. Snuggled up in an incubator, she looked like she was sunbathing on a beach in Hawaii, with her feet in the air and a content expression on her face. Her rescuers knew she was something special, and they were excited to see how she would grow and develop.


As Quincy grew, it became apparent that she was a little bit different from other pups her age. She developed more quickly than her peers, opening her eyes sooner and learning to navigate her world with ease once released from the incubator.

Quincy’s playful nature and love of life made her a constant comedian, always finding new ways to make her rescuers laugh. She loved to crouch down and then run up and jump on the other dogs to play with them. This energetic little pup was truly one of a kind.

When Quincy was about two and a half months old, she faced a significant challenge. She broke her leg and had to have a splint put on to help it heal. But this didn’t slow her down. Quincy continued to play, run, and enjoy life with her cast on. Incredibly, just 30 days later, there was no trace of the break anymore.

Quincy’s story took a heartwarming turn when she met her forever family. They had recently lost their beloved Bulldog and were feeling the crushing sadness that comes with losing a pet. When they heard that Quincy was coming to San Francisco for a meet-up, they decided to go and see her, hoping to find comfort in the presence of the sweet pup.


As soon as they laid eyes on Quincy, they knew she was the one for them. She was quiet and polite, and they thought she was incredibly calm for a puppy. Little did they know that once they brought her home, Quincy’s true personality would shine through. She was a ball of energy, always on the go and excited to greet her family whenever they came home.

Quincy’s new family quickly fell in love with her antics and unique way of wagging her entire body when she was happy. They went from feeling the sadness of losing a pet to having a bundle of daily cuteness. They couldn’t be more grateful for the joy that Quincy brought into their home.

Quincy’s story is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the incredible bond between humans and their pets. As she continues to grow and thrive in her new home, there’s no doubt that Quincy will continue to bring laughter and happiness to everyone she meets.

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The post Bulldog Emerges From Incubator Wrinkly & Feisty, Wagging Her Entire Body appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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