The Bernese Mountain Dog, known for its striking tri-color coat and gentle demeanor, is a beloved breed. For owners of…
Smile, please
Me: Right, chaps, I want all of you to stand together and smile for a photo, please. Me: Yes, Iacs,…
Boy Saved Up To Buy Puppy And Grandma Asks Him To Close His Eyes & Stretch His Arms
6-year-old Xander Mellor from Springfield, Illinois, had been saving up for the past 18-months to buy a puppy. When Natalie…
Protecting Animals from Cruelty: My Journey as an Activist in Spain
When I was a child, I saw my neighbors kill a pig in front of me. I was only eight…
How to Find Cancer Care for Your Pet
November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month and, for the rest of the month, my blogposts will focus on cancer and…