When Kelly first picked up a dog named Walt, he was so afraid that he wouldn’t even make eye contact. It was clear that ‘someone had failed him somewhere along the way.’ Kelly and her family had been trying to adopt a dog for the past year and a half, and then they finally found Walt. Walt didn’t know how to come into the house, which indicated that he had likely been living outside and had never experienced the warmth and comfort of a home before. Even after being brought inside, he wouldn’t venture into other rooms.


It was challenging for Kelly to let Walt know that it was okay to walk into a room, as he would sit and stare at the wall for hours. When Kelly tried to comfort him, he would cower away, afraid that she would hurt him. Despite providing Walt with a cozy bed, he initially chose to sit on the cold floor. However, as time passed, Walt began to adjust and trust his new environment.


It was evident that he felt safe in his new home when he started to approach Kelly while she was sitting on the sofa, placing his head under her hands, seeking affection – something he didn’t even know he wanted when he first arrived. Walt’s playful side also began to emerge. He would jump forward, encouraging Kelly to do the same, before running away as fast as he could, only to return and repeat the game. When playing outside, he would run in circles around Kelly, kicking up grass in his excitement.

Walt’s newfound happiness was not limited to his interactions with his human family members. He also formed a close bond with Kelly’s other dog, who is a quarter of Walt’s size. The two canines became inseparable, with the smaller dog often snuggling up to Walt as if he were a ‘personal hot water bottle.’


Although Walt had been slow to trust, he eventually grew accustomed to his new family and began to love and trust them wholeheartedly. This transformation has been incredibly rewarding for Kelly, who feels that taking a dog out of a terrible situation and giving them the love they deserve is one of the most fulfilling experiences of her life.

Walt’s story inspires those who are considering rescuing and adopting an animal in need. Animals like Walt prove that with time and dedication, even the most fearful and scarred animals can learn to trust and love again.

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The post Abashed Pup Stared At Wall, Blamed Himself When Someone Failed Him appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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