Bella, a pregnant French Bulldog, was heartlessly dumped at a shelter while in labor and faced the cruel fate of euthanasia. Thankfully, a rescue group called Road Dogs intervened, saving her life and ensuring a future for her puppies. A compassionate woman who had been fostering for Road Dogs for years welcomed Bella and her puppies into her home, creating a safe and loving environment for them to heal and grow. Upon arriving at the shelter, Bella was exhausted and required an emergency C-section. Tragically, four of her puppies passed away, but two survived.


Bella’s new foster mom was told to separate the puppies from their mom until Bella’s C-section scar healed. The woman was initially concerned about the separation and having to bottle-feed the babies while Bella looked on. But the sweet dog trusted her new caretaker to feed and care for her little ones. This beautiful relationship between Bella and her foster mom developed quickly, with the two acting as a team to care for the puppies.


The foster mom would talk to Bella constantly, reassuring her of her safety, love, and the perfection of her puppies. She believed that Bella understood her on an emotional level. At first, Bella was hesitant to accept the other animals in the home, but she eventually warmed up to them, even allowing the cats to be present during the puppies’ feeding time.

As Bella’s health and spirits improved, she began to show her personality more and more. Her foster mom, a passionate animal lover, finds immense reward in earning the trust of animals like Bella. She cherishes the time spent caring for them and witnessing their happiness and growth.


The plan is for Bella’s puppies to be adopted when they are between 8 to 10 weeks old, and Bella will remain with her foster mom until then. Although they have grown incredibly close over the weeks, Bella will also be put up for adoption. Bella’s foster mom understands that she must detach herself from the animals she loves to continue helping more in need. Whoever adopts Bella will undoubtedly be very fortunate to have such a resilient and loving dog in their lives.

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