We all had a quiet day today. The weather was unhelpful (gusting F10 at times) while we were feeding everyone their breakfast and I have things to do anyway.

I spent the morning finding and editing photos to have on mini business cards that will accompany the hand-felted sheep when, or if, folk buy them.

Question:  is it better to have the more expensive business cards or just go bog-standard?  I am using Moo.com – https://www.moo.com/uk/business-cards/minicards – Original (9p/card) or Luxe (17p/card)?  I am thinking the original (9p) will be fine.  It is just an attempt to increase traffic for the blog, not auditioning to rule the world by handing out a fabularse card.

Here are a few of my designs.  There will be 100 in total – all different.

Obviously there will be more sheep ones, possibly even a series devoted to Lambie’s Winning Smile, though when I asked for a few photos today, he went all huffy and unhelpful.  Ever the prima donna is Lambie.

Edna and ‘Ster tried their very best for me, which was kind.


So back to sorting through my photos.  I take lots of breaks because I am very easily distracted.

And this afternoon, I popped into my shed to do something completely different.  I need to get ahead making them in case there is a rush and someone buys one!  Cruise ship season

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