The events of 9/11 will forever be etched in our collective memory, marking a moment in our nation’s history that profoundly altered our sense of identity and unity. This tragedy, unparalleled in its impact, has transformed us in numerous ways, some of which have ultimately strengthened our resolve. It unified us as a nation, bolstered our American pride, and underscored our resilience as a people.


Image/Story Source Credit: Budweiser via YouTube Video


A poignant video, aired just once during Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002, captures this spirit of unity and remembrance. It was also aired again during the 20th anniversary.


Image/Story Source Credit: Budweiser via YouTube Video


Featuring the Budweiser Clydesdales, icons of an American brand and proud symbols of New York, the video delivers a powerful message of remembrance and hope. The Clydesdales traverse the Brooklyn Bridge towards the city’s skyline, passing by the Statue of Liberty, and pause to honor the new vista of New York—a landscape forever altered without the iconic Twin Towers. In a moving tribute, the horses bow in solemn memory.


Image/Story Source Credit: Budweiser via YouTube Video


If you’ve already seen this video, take a moment to watch it once more. Absorb its message and reflect on what it means to embrace American values. Let it remind you of the enduring spirit of pride that binds us, a testament to our collective resilience. No act of terror can diminish our strength; no adversity can break our will. Together, we stand united, indomitable, and ever-vigilant.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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