Welcoming our dogs into our lives, we make a solemn vow to stand by them through thick and thin. This assurance gives our dogs a sense of security and a feeling of belonging in our homes. Regrettably, some people hastily decide to adopt a dog without fully considering the responsibilities, leading them to eventually give up their pets, causing them distress and heartbreak. Drake, a gentle and loyal dog, suffered profound sadness when his owners gave him up to Prince George’s County Animal Shelter in Maryland, citing a lack of time for him.


Feeling abandoned and perplexed, Drake couldn’t grasp the loss of the only home he had ever known. The shelter workers and volunteers received Drake warmly, offering him love and solace. Ilona, a shelter volunteer and foster for several rescue organizations, recalled her initial encounter with Drake. “What immediately drew my attention to him was his appearance. He had this large head, a big smile, and a muscular little frame,” Ilona shared with GeoBeats Animals.

Drake cherished his time with the shelter staff, always welcoming them with enthusiastic tail wags and a big smile on his cute face. However, due to a Pit Bull ownership ban in Prince George’s County, Drake faced adoption challenges within the county. He was in danger of being euthanized to alleviate the overcrowding at the shelter.

Once Drake’s name appeared on the euthanasia list, a shelter worker felt compelled to intervene to save the dear dog. They contacted Vindicated Pit Bull Rescue, which agreed to take Drake out of the shelter. Drake spent a brief period in a temporary foster home before moving to a permanent foster home, which couldn’t keep him long-term due to a family crisis.

The delightful dog was returned to his temporary foster. Shortly after, the rescue was thrilled to learn that Drake had found an adopter. He was eager and delighted to join his new home. Sadly, Drake’s presence was not welcomed by the dog they already had, and after three weeks, his adoptive family relinquished him back to the rescue.


This return triggered anxiety in Drake. He was in need of a compassionate foster home to provide stability and aid in healing his emotional scars. The rescue reached out to Ilona, informing her of Drake’s situation and inquiring if she could foster him again. Ilona and her husband agreed, despite having a baby and their own dog, Honey Pie. They were committed to making it work.

Upon arriving at their home, Drake was timid and uncertain about his surroundings. The rescue consulted with the founder of Dog Latin Dog Training and Behavior Consulting to ensure Drake received proper care for his anxiety. As he started getting the necessary training and affection from his foster family, Drake began to trust them and grew more confident. He improved significantly, looking up to Honey Pie and mirroring her actions. The two dogs formed a strong bond, enjoying their walks together.


Drake is exceedingly loving, often showering his foster family with kisses. In November of 2023, Vindicated Pit Bull Rescue announced on Facebook that Drake had been transferred to Laila’s Legacy Animal Rescue. Drake continues to be fostered by Ilona and her family, who cherish their time with him and love him dearly.

“Drake, every moment with you is precious to me. You have, in many ways, made me a better foster mother and a better person,” Ilona expressed. Ilona and her husband aspire to foster more dogs, seeing it as their mission in life. They believe fostering more dogs would be challenging if they decided to keep Drake.

We hope this affectionate dog will find a forever home where he will be cherished as he deserves and will never experience abandonment again.

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The post After Losing The Only Home He’s Ever Known, Humans Continue Giving Up On Him appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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