The dogs haven’t sat still all afternoon – just play, play and more playing.  I think it is because when I was in Tesco’s yesterday filling in time waiting for Ted, I bought a rather fun squeaky duckie.  The squeak was out in seconds and most of the filling, but duckie lives on as a very good toy to argue over.

When, exhausted, the dogs did eventually sit still, I took a few photos.


(so clean and smart, Ted)

I like this photo and this is one of those moments that I wish I could show it to Mum.  She would like it too.

While the dogs were busy playing, I was fighting with Photoshop trying to make a new sign for my field in the shop. The current one has done it’s job and is looking tired.

Two hours later and much cursing because for some reason I couldn’t cut and paste the label picture, I created this banner and I think it is quite good, even if I do say so myself.  I think it will grab passing attention just because ‘Bert is so handsome and looks like an honest secondhand car salesman (if there is such a thing!)

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