PHOTOS: PETA India Rescues 150th Animal From a Cruel Industry

24 Rickshaws Receive a Major Upgrade—Check Out This Historic Exchange

PETA India Just Rescued Its 150th Animal From Hard Labor—See How

Major Milestone! Here’s How PETA India Gave 150 Animals a New Lease on Life

PETA India Has Been Hoofing It for Laboring Animals: Check Out Its Latest Milestone

Here’s How PETA India Celebrated Its Huge Feat for Animals Used for Labor

PETA India Gave 150 Animals a New Life—Here’s How the Group Did It

Landmark Milestone! How PETA India Changed the Field for Laboring Animals

What Upgrade Did 24 Rickshaws Receive as PETA India Reached a Huge Milestone?

PHOTOS: How Did 150 Animals Used for Labor in India Find Relief?

150 Animals Used for Grueling Labor in India Are Now Enjoying Their Best Lives—but How?

A Triumph for Animals! How PETA India Reshaped the Rickshaw Industry

150 Lives Saved! How PETA India Is Revolutionizing the Rickshaw Industry

What Industry Is PETA India Revolutionizing to Save 150 Lives So Far?


Twenty-four former owners of bull and horse carts will be handed keys to new e-rickshaws. Learn how PETA India helped achieve this victory and how 150 animals have benefited so far.


What did 24 rickshaw drivers receive at PETA India’s event? Find out how it will benefit horses, bulls, and humans.

The post PHOTOS: PETA India Rescues 150th Animal From a Cruel Industry appeared first on PETA.

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