Almost 30 years ago, Alan Cumming starred alongside Tonka the chimpanzee in the movie Buddy. Now, the PETA honorary director and chimpanzee champion is asking federal officials to ensure that Tonia Haddix—Chimp Crazy’s notorious animal broker—can never legally exploit animals like Tonka ever again.

In a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cumming urged the agency to revoke Haddix’s federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) license, which allows her to legally sell captive wild animals and operate her roadside zoo in Camden County, Missouri.

The federal agency’s ongoing failure to act against Haddix is astounding. As revealed in Chimp Crazy, Haddix obstructed a court order demanding Tonka’s release by faking the long-suffering chimpanzee’s death, including blatantly committing perjury in a hearing over the matter. Following a nationwide search led by PETA, Tonka was found inside a cramped cage in Haddix’s basement and was transferred to an accredited sanctuary.

Cumming’s letter points out that Haddix’s actions show that she has no regard for the law or for the animals she exploits.

I am dismayed and disheartened to learn that the USDA has done nothing to ensure that Haddix cannot hurt more animals,” Cumming writes. “Surely, such a person has no business holding an AWA license.”

PETA’s Battle Against Haddix Continues

PETA has already secured a few major victories against Haddix, who now owes us more than $200,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs. The chimpanzees who were suffering at the now-defunct Missouri Primate Foundation are enjoying their lives at true sanctuaries, and Haddix is prohibited from possessing chimpanzees ever again.

Even though we urged the USDA to revoke her license and provided the agency with evidence of her perjury and animal welfare violations—and gave it advance warning that Chimp Crazy would be aired—the feds continue to sit on their hands.

Support a Critical Bill That Would Hinder Exploiters Like Haddix

The Captive Primate Safety Act would make it unlawful to breed or possess primates in private homes. If passed, humans would no longer be able to buy monkeys or keep them as “pets.” Please join us in urging Congress to pass this crucial piece of legislation.

The post ‘Chimp Crazy’s’ Tonia Haddix Is STILL Exploiting Wild Animals; Alan Cumming Asks Feds to Do Their Job appeared first on PETA.

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