Yesterday was so nice. Today is utterly vile with Storm Kathleen doing her worst.  The spring flowers were beginning to come out – I bet they regret that decision.

These photos are from yesterday on my dog walk.

The primrose bank by the burn.

And Celandine – my most favourite flower. I remember a school project when I was probably about 7 years old having to find out, write down and draw pictures.

My new album cover!

Or this. I can’t decide.

This morning, I was volunteering at Turriefield. We were potting up the seedlings planted a few weeks ago.

I felt rather proud of “my little plants”.  I did this, I told myself, apart from the one that didn’t come up. I didn’t do that one, obviously!

A duvet day.

My friend came round later and we played our usual flute duets.  The sheep came to listen (boys only). The girls were elsewhere.  The lads didn’t move for the whole 2 hours we played.  It was very nice to have an audience, even a woolly one. We’re not fussy and at least we have our latest album cover ready to go.

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