Victory! After hearing from PETA and thousands of our supporters, AELF FlightService’s Maleth Aero airline has stopped stuffing sensitive monkeys into tiny wooden crates, locking them in cargo holds, and flying them around the world to be used in cruel and pointless experiments.

The company’s representative admitted to PETA that they were shocked by the turbulence caused by nearly 115,000 PETA supporters around the globe who overwhelmed it with e-mails and phone calls urging it to end its deadly shipments.

The move ends two high-pressure years of campaigning by PETA, our international affiliates, and other animal protection groups, including Action for Primates.

We filed complaints with the U.S. government and protested at airports across the country. But we couldn’t have done it without the unmatched influence of your powerful voice.

Cruelty Doesn’t Fly

AELF FlightService’s participation in the bloody monkey transportation business was littered with scandal. PETA filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture after discovering that AELF FlightService/Maleth Aero had failed to register with the agency before shipping endangered long-tailed macaques.

On one flight, the airline reportedly crammed endangered monkeys into small crates and subjected the animals—who can harbor infectious zoonotic diseases—to a horrific journey during which they sat in small boxes amid their own waste.

The company deposited the animals at an infamous facility run by Inotiv (whose Envigo beagle-breeding factory was shut down following PETA’s exposure of its horrific treatment of dogs) so they could eventually be poisoned and cut open, among other horrors.

Another AELF shipment flew monkeys to Charles River Laboratories, a worldwide monkey dealer that kills hundreds of thousands of animals each year in gruesome experiments.

U.S. experimenters’ voracious appetite for long-tailed macaques has helped push them to the brink of extinction.

Dozens Down and Counting

AELF FlightService is the latest company to join other transportation industry leaders who, after hearing from PETA, now refuse to ship sensitive individuals to laboratories.

But Ethiopian Airlines—Africa’s largest airline—is clinging to sky-high levels of cruelty. Please TAKE ACTION by urging it to fall in line and stop transporting monkeys to laboratories for use in experiments:

Take Action

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