Small, wild animals may look friendly from a distance, but if you come up close and personal with one of these animals, chances are that you’d quickly change your mind. Minneapolis, MN has its fair share of small animals that often end up in your yard. Rather than trying to remove these animals on your own, it is important to contact a professional removal team. Not only can your health be jeopardized by tackling this task on your own, but so can the health of the animal. By choosing our team at Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc., the small animal that has invaded your property will be humanely removed so that no harm is caused to the animal or animal’s and yourself.

Common Small Animals in Minneapolis

Depending on the time of year, there are a lot of small animals that you could potentially come into contact with in Minneapolis. Keep in mind that although they are small, these types of animals can be harmful to adults, kids and pets. Additionally, they can cause significant damage to your home and property. A list of common small animals that are found around Minneapolis include:

● Bats
● Beavers
● Birds
● Chipmunks
● Gophers
● Mice
● Deer Mice
● Moles
● Rabbits
● Raccoons
● Skunks
● Snakes
● Squirrels
● Woodchucks

24 Hour Expert Removal Services

Long before homes were built in Minneapolis, the land that you live on was once occupied by small animals of all kinds. So, it is not surprising that at times, these small animals may venture their way back to your property to visit their old habitat. With more than 35 years of animal removal experience, our dedicated team has removed a wide variety of small animals from yards, garages, decks, attics, and many other areas. Every time, we treat the animals humanely so that they can go on living their life away from your home. For those unexpected times where a small animal may have entered your home, we offer 24 hour emergency service.

Repairs Made Easy

Depending on the amount of time that the small animal has been hanging around your home, there could be some damage that needs to be addressed. Not only can we remove the small animal, but we can also repair any of the damage caused by the animal. Let us repair your home back to normal and apply preventative measures to ensure that the small animal doesn’t return!

So, if you have noticed a small animal hanging around your home or property in Minneapolis, MN, it is important to contact a professional animal removal team no matter how cute that animal may be. Give our A+ rated staff at Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc., a call today at (612) 386-1289 to request service.

The post Small Animal Removal Services first appeared on Minnesota Wild Animal Management.

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