There is one guarantee that we deal with as pet parents, and that is the cycle of life. As dog owners, we dread the day our beloved pups cross the Rainbow Bridge. But we understand that the wonderful times we had together and the memories we made were worth the pain their passing caused. But it still hurts and it’s hard to see the bigger picture when our hearts are breaking and the tears won’t stop falling. Many dog moms and dads are plagued with guilt when they decide to adopt another pup.


The fitting title of the video below begs the question: ‘Is It OK To Love A New Dog After Losing Your Soul Pup?‘ The video, starring an emotional and loving woman named Anna, is a journey from an unmended soul to the healing of a broken heart with the addition of a new puppy named Stevie. It begins with the sweet puppy being carried out from her foster home to Anna’s car. Anna is overwhelmed. She holds Stevie, who smothers her with tiny puppy kisses, and she cries.


Her tears, both bittersweet and joyous, confirmed she had made the right decision. She says, “I just immediately felt my heart open up to her.” Anna goes on to explain in the video that the dog she lost, Sterling, was her “heart dog.” Anna adopted Sterling during a rough patch in her life. Sterling and his love inspired Anna to go on multiple adventures. Their bond helped heal her pain.


However, when Sterling passed away, the darkness returned. Anna hoped Stevie would help her find the way back into the light. Sterling and Anna would go to a river nearby. The duo enjoyed it thoroughly and that is where Anna spread Sterling’s ashes. She decided to take Stevie there where they had a “full circle moment.”

The story continues and is inspiring, uplifting, and chockfull of lessons. This is a must-watch for all pet parents. Check out the video below to witness Anna’s emotional transformation and Stevie’s influence in her life.

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