Living in Minnesota, surrounded by lush forests and abundant wildlife, we are constantly reminded of the beauty and diversity of…
Canine Pyometra: What Dog Owners Need to Know
Pyometra is one of those medical words veterinarians use that often require translation for pet families. Pyo- is from the Latin word for pus, and metra is Greek for uterus. Once you know this etymology then you can understand why pyometra is an emergency. The pus in the uterus is the result of a bacterial infection, and dogs with pyometra become seriously ill. I’ll discuss risk factors, clinical signs and treatment options for pyometra in this week’s blogpost.
Humane Animal Removal Near Me
It is unlikely that any wild animal enters a home or comes too close to a homeowner intending to cause…
House Introduces Migratory Bird Conservation Bill
Hello, American Bird Conservancy Action Fund Supporters! In case you missed it, a recording of our webinar, “Commemorating 50 Years…
Meet the Team: Chris Kelly
Introducing Co-founder, Executive Trustee and Director of Species Conservation, Chris Kelly. Whilst completing his practical training along Zululand’s coastline monitoring…
Vulture Conservation in Zululand – Behind the Scenes
Written by Scott Christensen: Chair, Board of Trustees, Wildlife ACT Fund Trust A week in the field with the Zululand…