Some were resting indoors with no intention of moving (yes, Pepper you were caught having gone back to bed) ….

and then there were those who preferred to be outside….

And so, armed with my helper (that would be Lambie who was on his own – he had refused to go into a field), I decided to tackle the feed-shed.

I think Lambie was fairly shocked at the state it was in.

As was I but I can’t blame anyone – it was all my fault.  All winter, I just throw all the rubbish to the back of the shed telling myself I will clear it out come Spring time.

Well, Summer is now sort of here so I could not put off this miserable job any longer.  It was looming.

Lambie was “helping” with his encouraging Winning Smile. It was all I needed and we had numerous rests where I would sit down and we would spend some Muzzah time together….. I am very easily distracted. Any excuse.

Anyway, I did finally acheive and the shed looks 100% better.

Everything in it’s place and a place for everything.  There are even two empty bins for the old feed bags – one for plastic and one for paper.  I have no excuse now not to keep this shed tidy.  The old TurmerAid pots are also incredibly useful. I am currently storing Vitamin’s veteran mix so it can travel in the car.  I am in a tidying mood at the moment.

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