Kelsey the Golden Retriever is being hailed a hero for saving her owner’s life. Bob ventured into the woods to get firewood and slipped and fell breaking his neck. He lay there paralyzed screaming for help in the cold snow and dark night.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Fox 47 News via YouTube Video


With his nearest neighbor located a quarter-mile away, his yelling went unheard by all except for Kelsey. The brave dog used her keen sense of smell to track down her owner, and she snuggled his hands and feet to try and keep him warm. She barked and barked until the neighbor was finally alerted over 20 hours later. At this point, Bob was unconscious and critical.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Fox 47 News via YouTube Video


Bob was taken in for emergency surgery, and doctors said he was alive only as a result of Kelsey’s bravery. Kelsey kept her dad company at the hospital as he began his recovery, but it’ll be a long process and rehabilitation. But what can’t he conquer with his heroic dog by his side?

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