Teaching a cat to walk on a leash is different than walking a dog. Sometimes you can cue them to…
Continuing with the Theme
So, as the weather is beyond words now, you can imagine we are spending a lot of time indoors going…
Man’s Told He Had 5-Years To Live, So He Goes To Shelter And Asks For An Obese, Middle-Aged Dog
When life throws us curveballs, sometimes all we need is a little love and support to get back on track.…
18-Yr-Old Blind Dachshund Was Dumped At Shelter, ‘Clings’ To First Person Who Showed Her Love
Muneca, an 18-year-old blind Dachshund, was dumped at an animal shelter, leaving her alone and terrified. At this time, she…
She ‘Snored’ Through Her First Safe Sleep Since Ex-Owner Tried To Kill Her 3-Times
Molly has had a difficult existence. Her owner, whom she was abandoned, tried to murder her three times. She survived…
Golden Retriever Plays Wind Chimes Every-Day And ‘Sings Along’ To Them
Bleu is a lovely golden retriever with an uncommon hobby; Bleu loves to sing. The musical girl discovered her love…