An animal lover named Latoya has a heart of gold. She adopted a massively sweet pup, a Cane Corso named Purpose. The large dog breed, which often gets a bad rap, is actually wonderful with families. According to The American Kennel Club, Cane Corsos are: “smart, trainable, and of noble bearing. The assertive and confident Cane Corso is a peerless protector. The Corso’s lineage goes back to ancient Roman times, and the breed’s name roughly translates from Latin as ‘bodyguard dog.’” In this story, Purpose demonstrates a superior understanding of what it means to be a very good boy!

Latoya adopted a kitten named Dimonte soon after. The tiny creature, weighing only five pounds, is a stick of dynamite! Like most kittens, he’s playful and frisky. He loves to go outdoors, only when supervised and climb trees. Latoya kept Purpose and Dimonte separated before integrating them slowly. She had to be sure that the brothers were accepting of one another.

Latoya never expected their relationship to go quite like this. Purpose weighs a whopping 130 pounds but is as gentle as they come. Once Latoya trusted the situation and let Dimonte into the same room as the pup, it was the kitten who dominated the relationship. He tackled Purpose, gnawing at his overpronounced cheek flaps. Purpose couldn’t have cared less. He lays there, like the perfect gentleman, and allows his kitty brother to take over, knowing it makes him happy. Dimonte makes Purpose happy as well.


Dimonte tackles his brother, prances on his head, and paws at him, while Purpose demonstrates what good sportsmanship looks like. Once Dimonte gets his frisky kitty aggression out, he then wants to play nice and snuggle. The adoring pup allows it, of course. This pair is too cute! To meet them and see their heartwarming and silly antics, scroll down to the YouTube Reel below.

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